Wednesday, January 9, 2008

SNOW and The Behrends!!!

We went to Ramstein this weekend to visit friends of ours from Korea! It was a fun to see them and lunch was GREAT!! It rained the whole weekend and hovered in the low 40's....but.....on our way home, as we entered the mountainous region where we live, our cool rain turned into slushy rain, then sleet and finally SNOW!! It snowed all night and here is what it looked like when we woke up on Sunday!

Shelby went sledding with the English's....a family she babysits for.
This track belong's to Bogie (also an English)...Shelby couldn't resist showing how deep the snow was!
The hill is at the top of our street.

Good thing we have pictorial proof since almost all the snow is gone, the sun is out and it is becoming a distant memory!!

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