Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Things around the house

You know you have TOO many tools when you can't park your car in the garage AND you have to purchase a high-speed shed to store your bicycles in!! :)
This is a pretty cool little shed, though. The little bump-out on the right side houses the lawn mower and all the lawn items....the left-and side will become the garden once it gets a little warmer...brrr

Here is Weiden during a rare day of sun. I had hoped it would turn out better but it was hazy and I suppose the window screen wasn't really a big help...but...I have to be on the 3rd floor to get a good shot of the hills in the distance!

A sign we have had on our house for years! We bought it at a bazaar in California and it has always fit our military lifestyle! I think I might add it to the template..hmmm

Have a great day!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Day 3...meticulous disassembly taking place....like open-heart surgery only alot slower and without the need for malpractice insurance.

Here's what 2 kids look like
after they have been filled with really GOOD Italian food!
It almost looks like they like each other!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Harley surgery begins

Now that John has a heater in his garage
I always know where to look for him when he goes missing.
This destruction took place after dinner tonight. It seems so sad to watch her get stripped down like this...especially when we pull things apart and keep finding little parts that need to be replaced. I feel the need to show John pictures of his bike....it seems to "calm" him :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I should probably explain

I've added several Harley Davidson references and failed to post explaining why! I shall remedy that now....A very frivolous dream/plan that we have had for about 5 years now has finally come true....1st part is John has officially ordered his 2008 Fireman's edition Road King. They will begin assembly on 14 February (that's right...in a couple of weeks!) and ship it to us on 22 February! The really cool part is they will send update emails as major steps in the assembly process are completed! Since I can't possibly send any "live" pictures of the bike I will attach the one from the HD site....I realize this is NOT proper 365 protocol :) but I will fix that in the 2nd half of this post...promise!!

The 2nd part of our "dream/plan" is to rebuild MY bike. I am POSITIVE this would have happened sometime LOOOONNG after retirement if it weren't for the impending arrival of John's "baby." John, being a smart and supportive husband, KNOWS that if his bike shows up and my bike is still sitting in the garage-leaking oil on the ground-there may be NO living with me! So, empowered with the knowledge that mid-March will arrive whether he likes it or not, he felt the need to get the ball rolling!

Thanks to Shadd at VividDragon.com we have ordered the new fenders and tank with custom paint in 2-tone fade-Cobalt Blue on Black. Here is a pic of the paint job except in red/black ...plus mine will have Harley Davidson across the sides in Script!

Since this will be a total work-in-progress I should be able to get lots of p365 photos on the blog...hopefully!

and here are some "BEFORE" shots

Well there you have it, a 4 day weekend and all we did was mess around with the bikes. Good thing the kids were out and about with friends...they barely noticed their parents huddled in the corner, nursing carpal tunnel symptoms from all the inet surfing :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Some great sunrise shots...plus playing & working in the SNOW...a week ago but still SNOW!

Here's what happens when everyone has a digital camera and uploads images into their own settings....you forget about all the cool shots of John and R shoveling snow and the BEAUTIFUL sunrise we enjoyed last week!

We hope you enjoy them!

shovel envy

Who scooters in the snow?? Oh that's right we are talking about N here!! :)

Busy week...and it is only Tuesday!

Whew, it will be nice when this week ends! Robert left for Aviano, Italy at the "crack of dawn" on Friday! He wrestled with his injured shoulder...but he won! Now he is paying the price. Hopefully he will download his pictures so I can post a few! He was due home Sunday afternoon...but wait...the phone rings at 0230 Sunday morning....he will be dropped off in 30 mins??!! eek

Nick played in his 2nd Basketball game of the season...at first it looked like they were going to get outplayed but we managed to get into sync in the 2nd quater and win the game 29-21...not too shabby!

Here's the tip-off:

Waiting for the rebound:

The weekend was spent assembling our new IKEA furntiure. That was a process, especially since we didn't have all the pieces right away....a couple of items had to be ordered. Although John may disagree, assembling wasn't nearly as hard as moving the furniture around 150 times, trying to figure out how to make it all work. Finally after a week of pushing, lifting, rearranging, we are finally happy with the results! We are so pleased with how it looks. Even though I love IKEA's office furniture and beds--we NEVER thought we would buy real honest to goodness living room furniture from them. Thier stuff is so minimalist and modular, but this new Liatorp line is definitely a change from the same old IKEA stuff! We even had enough time to install a new dining room light fixture (also from IKEA)...

We have a 4 day weekend starting Friday and we are planning to go to Cheb, Czechoslovakia for some flea market shopping...should be fun!
Hopefully, we will get some good pictures to post!
Have a great week!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

SNOW and The Behrends!!!

We went to Ramstein this weekend to visit friends of ours from Korea! It was a fun to see them and lunch was GREAT!! It rained the whole weekend and hovered in the low 40's....but.....on our way home, as we entered the mountainous region where we live, our cool rain turned into slushy rain, then sleet and finally SNOW!! It snowed all night and here is what it looked like when we woke up on Sunday!

Shelby went sledding with the English's....a family she babysits for.
This track belong's to Bogie (also an English)...Shelby couldn't resist showing how deep the snow was!
The hill is at the top of our street.

Good thing we have pictorial proof since almost all the snow is gone, the sun is out and it is becoming a distant memory!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Ikea, part I

Well, today we broke down and went to....

3 years of storage really did a number on several pieces of furniture...so....we finally broke down and replaced them! Merry Christmas to the house??!! Now we have lots of boxes in the living room and no idea what to assemble first. My biggest fear is that as we assemble pieces we'll decide we need to move pictures, which will lead to patching holes, which will lead to new paint color....you see where I am headed with this....only bad can come from this...:)

Here we are at photo #2 and already I am behind!!

Well, I figured I would miss days but not this soon :) Actually the picture was all set to go but I forgot to post it before going to bed.
Shelby's passion is the horses-they come before schoolwork, they take the place of shopping with friends or sleeping-in during Christmas break or even being warm and lazy in her pj's!
Shelby took these pictures of her 2 favorite horses!
The 1st one is Unia-the prized black mare!
This is the "young chestnut stallion", poor guy is still test-driving his name, nothing seems to fit yet....

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

1st day of 2008 and Day 1 of Project 365

We started taking down some of the Christmas decorations today. I always hate this part- it seems like it will be so long until we get to put everything back up again...the tree may stay up for a little while longer-I love it lit early in the am or late at night!
I thought it would be nice to get a picture of my beautiful Christmas present from Robert. I was the only person he actually shopped for. He was quite proud of himself since I have a collection of German smokers (rauchermann) but not 1 Christmas one (not sure how that happened)! Isn't he pretty! :) Thank you, Robert!
Here is a picture of most all of the ladies from the New Year's Eve party at our neighbors house. Don't mind Robert, he thought he deserved his "surrounded by women" spot...unfortunately Alicia--our host--isn't in this shot....where in the world did she run off to??
We hope you had a wonderful New Year's Eve and enjoy Peace and Prosperity in 2008!