Saturday, March 8, 2008

Nick cuts off ALL his hair....well most of it!

Nick has spent months trying to talk us into getting his hair cut but we were afraid he was only interested in copying his brother. We finally reached a point where it was becoming apparent that he like many other 'tween boys typically do a lousy job of maintaining good hygiene!!

If you have ever noticed a young boys "gookey" teeth you can imagine what "past your shoulder hair" plus a complete fear of warm water and SHAMPOO looks like on a daily basis.

When you combine this with a wonderful set of greasy Italian genes....well let your mind wander to something that looks like salad dressing spilled on a kitchen counter and that is how bad Nick's hair could get...granted he did TRY to keep it clean but most of the time we fought over the definition of "clean!"

I finally had enough and decided to fulfill his dream of looking like a boy once again.

It didn't hurt our cause that Nick was completely mortified the other day when a man asked him, "ma'am, are you sure you are in the right bathroom"....hmmmph... some people can be SO thoughtless!

I won't lie, we (Shelby and I) miss his long locks...but he is much happier now and tranquility has returned to our household....yeah right!

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